Football season is underway. While to some people, that just means NFL, but now after all these years, I have more and more football in my life. I suppose you might say, oh, probably "fantasy football" and the answer is Hell Yes!!! But still, and more importantly, thanks to my gracious in laws, both of my balls (wait, was that on purpose?) I mean boys, are playing youth football this year. Today, was a great day. Conflicting schedules resulted in me taking my young man to his game with his sister, while my not so young man went with his mom and grandma. Great Grandparents met us at the field, and young man's team won 38 to 14, not too shabby!!! Meanwhile, across the state my not so young man's team held their own for a 19 to 0 win against a new team in the league. I'm guessing McD's sponsored the event, as I still feel bloated. I'm so proud of my young men, and it's weird that they play for a team I would never have thought I'd support. Short of the long story is, my small team doesn't have a football program, but at this age my kids can play, as long as someone pays, ha. I can only imagine being asked to move a few miles so they can play in high school. I'm sure we can find a relative for them to live with first though...
Oh, I need to check my fantasy football team!! Apparently there will be some NFL games on tomorrow as well. So much football, so little time. Remember to be good sports now.
yah yah yah!! Best time of the year and yay, you're writing!